Attendance Policy
Regular Attendance: The Key to Success!
At Global Vision School (GVS), we believe that regular attendance is essential for academic achievement. It is the primary responsibility of every student to attend classes punctually. If a student misses a class, it is their responsibility to inform the teacher about the absence. A parent or guardian must notify the school office on the morning of the absence, and a written explanation (signed by the parent/guardian) may be required. Parents will be contacted regarding poor attendance habits, and students with chronic absenteeism may face withdrawal from Global Vision School. If personal issues are affecting attendance, students are encouraged to speak with their teachers, counselor, or an administrator for support.
Early Dismissal and Truancy
Students who skip class significantly hinder their academic performance. If a student needs to leave school early, they must sign out at the office with parental permission and a note. Skipping classes (truancy) will result in the following actions:
(a) a phone call home;
(b) a parent meeting;
(c) referral to administration;
(d) a possible attendance contract; and
(e) potential suspension.
Extended Absences
For longer absences due to medical emergencies or unique circumstances, parents must contact the office, teachers, and the counselor to make arrangements for missed work. Families planning vacations during the school year should inform each teacher as early as possible and be prepared to complete any missed assignments, understanding that achievement may be impacted.
Students are expected to arrive on time for all classes. While occasional lateness may be unavoidable, it is essential to be in class before the bell rings. Teachers will implement consequences for tardiness, and students who are frequently late may be referred to school administration.
Students who ride bicycles to school must obey traffic regulations. The school is not responsible for any damage or theft of bicycles.
Cameras and Cellular Phones
Smartphones can be valuable learning tools, but they should not distract from education. Students must turn off and stow phones and other electronic devices during class time. Taking pictures or videos of others, school materials, or posting images online without permission is strictly prohibited. Students who misuse their phones or cameras during class will face consequences, and parents will be contacted.
At Global Vision School, we uphold a shared responsibility for appropriate conduct among students, staff, and parents. We are committed to creating a safe learning environment where respect and care for oneself and others are paramount. Unacceptable actions include:
– Making threats, bullying, or using physical violence.
– Possession of weapons (real or replica).
– Being under the influence of or in possession of alcohol or drugs on school grounds or at school-related events.
– Theft or involvement in stealing.
– Willful disobedience towards staff members.
– Causing false fire alarms or intentional damage to property.
– Cheating or plagiarism on exams, tests, or assignments.
– Possession or use of fireworks or causing fires.
– Using profane or offensive language towards others.
The Global Vision School Code of Conduct applies at all times, including school functions.
Dress Code
Students must wear clothing appropriate for a school setting that respects the perspectives of the entire school community. Offensive words, slogans, or references to sex, alcohol, drugs, hatred, or bigotry are not permitted. School attire should generally cover the body from shoulder to above the knee, avoiding clothing that exposes undergarments or midriffs. Students may be asked to cover offending items or change before returning to class.
Food Services
The school cafe operates before school, during breaks, and at lunchtime, offering a variety of fresh hot and cold food daily. Students are expected to treat cafeteria staff with respect, wait in line patiently, and clean up after eating. Ample seating is available for students throughout the school.
Personal Belongings
Students are encouraged to protect their belongings by not leaving valuables unattended. Items such as money, phones, and other valuables should not be left in bags, lockers, or changing rooms. Students involved in theft may face serious consequences, including suspension and loss of extracurricular privileges. To prevent theft, students should avoid bringing valuable items to school, as the school cannot be held responsible for stolen belongings.
School Functions
Students attending school functions, including field trips, are expected to demonstrate responsible behavior. A signed parental permission slip and teacher acknowledgment are required for participation. Students are responsible for completing any missed assignments during field trips. Poor attendance or behavior may result in the loss of privileges to participate in field trips, extracurricular events, clubs, teams, or activities. All school rules apply during school-related functions.
For safety reasons, Global Vision School and surrounding grounds are reserved for students, staff, and authorized guests during school hours and functions. Students are not permitted to invite outside friends to visit during school hours, nor may Global Vision School students visit other schools except for scheduled athletic games or sanctioned events.
This revised policy emphasizes the importance of a safe and respectful environment at Global Vision School while providing clear guidelines for attendance, conduct, and other essential aspects of school life.