REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS A KEY TO SUCCESS! The most important responsibility of GVS students is to attend classes, on time. If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to account to the teacher for your absence. A phone call must be made to the office by a parent/guardian on the morning of your absence, and a written explanation may be required (signed by your parent/guardian). Parents will be contacted and students with poor attendance habits will face consequences. Senior students with chronically poor attendance habits may be withdrawn from GVS. If you are experiencing personal issues that are causing you to miss school – see your teachers, counsellor or an administrator and we will try to help.
Early Dismissal/Truancy
Students who skip class do not do as well as students who attend regularly. If students need to leave school, they must sign-out at the office before they leave (with a note or parental permission only). Skipping classes (truancy) will result in the following steps: (a) phone call home; (b) parent meeting; (c) referral to administration; (d) possible attendance contract; and (e) possible suspension.
Extended Absence
Students absent for a longer period of time for unique circumstances, medical or family emergencies, must have parents contact the office, your teachers, and counsellor to make arrangements regarding missed work. Families who travel or go on vacations during the school year should inform each teacher as early as possible and must be prepared to complete work missed and/or accept the decreased achievement that may occur as a consequence of missing school.
It is expected that you will be on time for all classes. While it is recognized that on rare occasions being late is unavoidable, students are expected to be in class before the bell goes. Teachers will provide consequences for students who arrive late. Students who are chronically late will be referred to the school administration.
Students riding bicycles to school are expected to obey traffic regulations to and from school. The school cannot be responsible for any damage or theft to bicycles.
Cameras and Cellular Phones
A smart phone can be a powerful learning device but should not be a distraction to you or others – use yours responsibly. Phones and other electronic devices are not to be used in School. These devices should be turned off and put away during class time in school premise.
It is not acceptable to take someone’s picture/video OR photograph school materials OR upload images OR post them on the Internet without permission. Pictures/Video of students and/or staff can only be taken with the knowledge and consent of the individual(s) being photographed. Students who misuse their phone or camera during class will face consequences and parents will be contacted.
At GVS, we believe that appropriate conduct is a shared responsibility among students, staff, and parents. We believe that school should be a safe place for learning and that everyone has the responsibility to demonstrate care and respect – for themselves, for all others, and for our school and community, every day.
Actions that are completely unacceptable at GVS include:
- Making threats, bullying or using physical violence.
- Being in possession of any type of weapon (real or replica).
- Being under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs at school, near the school or at a school-related function.
- Stealing or being involved in theft.
- Willful disobedience to school staff members.
- Causing a false fire alarm.
- Causing wilful damage to or using graffiti on school or personal property.
- Cheating/plagiarizing on exams, tests or assignments.
- Being in possession of and/or igniting fireworks or causing a fire.
- Using profane or offensive language towards staff or students.
The GVS Code of Conduct applies in school and at school functions.
Dress Code
Clothing must be appropriate for a school setting and respect the perspectives and sensibilities of everyone in a school context. Students are not to display offensive words, slogans or references to sex, alcohol, drugs, hatred, or bigotry on their clothing or jewellery. Dress for school or work is different than dress for other casual or social occasions, and should generally cover the body from the shoulder to just above the knee. Clothing which exposes undergarments and/or midriffs is not appropriate. Choose clothing that shows respect for yourself, for others, and the school. Students will be asked to cover up an offending item or may be asked to go home and change.
Food Services
Our school cafe is open before school, during breaks, and at lunch. Fresh hot and cold food is available daily from the snack bar. Students are expected to treat cafeteria staff with courtesy, respect the line-up, and always clean up and recycle after eating. There is ample seating throughout the school for students to eat.
Personal Belongings
Protect your belongings and do not leave money, phone, or other valuables in an unattended bag, locker, or changing room. Students involved in theft will face serious consequences: suspension, and loss of extracurricular privileges. You do not have to be the one who steals to be involved in theft/stolen property. The best defence against acts of theft is to not bring valuable items to school. The school cannot be responsible for items that are stolen.
School Functions
Students attending a school function, including those away from the school, are expected to demonstrate responsible behavior. Students need signed parental permission and teacher acknowledgement to participate in any field trip, and are responsible for completing all work missed while on a field trip. Students may lose the privilege of participating in field trips, extracurricular events, clubs, teams, or activities (including dances or grad events) as a consequence of poor attendance or behavior. All school rules apply on all field trips and at all school related functions – represent our school with class and pride!
For safety reasons, GVS school and surrounding grounds are reserved for students, staff, and authorized guests on school days and during school functions. Do not invite outside friends to visit you at school. GVS students are not to visit other schools during school hours, except for a scheduled athletic game or sanctioned school event.